Saturday, March 21, 2009

signed our contract

Signed our contract yesterday and should have our colour section next week sometime.
It's off to aussie home loans tomorrow for the construction part of the loan hoping there will be no problems with the loan as we have had to sign a contract before approval so fingers crossed.


  1. We're interested in this design too! Do you know whether / where this home has been actually built yet?

  2. Hi Ben,
    Wisdom couldnt give us a location to see this house completed. But we had looked at alot of display homes so had a good idea of room sizes and could see in our minds what it would look like. You dont find houses of this size on one level at show homes because of block sizes.

  3. Hi Neighbour,

    We are bulding a Wisdom Homes: Sorrento 28MKII in Spring Farm (on Ingham St). Like you we only had Wisdom display homes to gauge what our home would look like. We will be commencing building in about a 2weeks. I have also started a blog (seems to be the best way to share your excitement with everbody). Click on our link to check out the progress.
